The Gay Agenda

“The Gay Agenda: Claiming Space, Identity and Justice”
Gerald Walton
Monographs, 2014, 356 Pages

At A Glance: “The Gay Agenda” counters the misconstrued ‘gay agenda’ narrative by highlighting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community’s real goals of public visibility, identity affirmation, and social justice in various societal spheres.

“The Gay Agenda: Claiming Space, Identity and Justice” by Gerald Walton challenges the misconceived notion of a ‘gay agenda’ popularized by the religious right and social conservatives. This rhetoric, which inaccurately portrays 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals as pursuing harmful societal changes, is critically examined and debunked. Instead, the book reveals the true agenda of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community: to assert their presence in public spaces, embrace and affirm their identities, and advocate for social justice in legal, educational, and workplace contexts.

Through insightful contributions, the book reclaims the term ‘agenda,’ redirecting it to spotlight the genuine efforts of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in seeking human rights, influence in culture, education reform, and political and legal recognition, effectively countering the negative and false portrayal by their opponents.

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