True Inclusion

“True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace”
Brandon Robertson
Chalice Press, 2018, 130 Pages

At A Glance: True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace” is an insightful guide for churches to transform from simply welcoming to deeply embracing all individuals, backed by biblical imperatives and practical steps for inclusivity across diverse identities.

“True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace” by Brandan Robertson challenges churches to go beyond superficial gestures of welcome, advocating for a deeper, more meaningful practice of inclusivity. Robertson, a public theologian and pastor, urges churches to transform their approach from a mere welcoming stance to one of radical embrace, embracing all people irrespective of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or socioeconomic status. He emphasizes the biblical foundation for such radical inclusivity both within church walls and in wider society.

The book offers practical strategies and steps for churches to implement, moving them towards being deeply inclusive communities. It serves as an inspirational guide for individuals and congregations at all stages of their inclusivity journey, pushing them to embody a gospel that genuinely embraces everyone.

Also from this author:

“Our Witness: The Unheard Stories of LGBT+ Christians”
“Gay & Christian, No Contradiction: A Brief Guide To Reconciling Faith & Queer Identity”
“The Gospel of Inclusion: A Christian Case For LGBT+ Inclusion In The Church”

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