Bad Theology Kills

“Bad Theology Kills: Undoing Toxic Belief & Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority”
Kevin Garcia
2020, 192 Pages

At A Glance: “Bad Theology Kills” is an impactful exploration of overcoming destructive religious beliefs about queerness, advocating for a life-affirming theology rooted in love and acceptance, and guiding others through similar spiritual journeys.

In “Bad Theology Kills,” Kevin Garcia shares a poignant and transformational journey from nearly being destroyed by toxic religious beliefs about their queer identity to rediscovering spiritual authority grounded in Love. The book explores Kevin’s personal struggle with the evangelical belief that being gay is sinful, leading to ex-gay therapy, social isolation, and even suicide attempts.

Through a blend of personal narrative, theological insights, and a candid approach, Garcia dismantles harmful theological patterns and advocates for creating affirming beliefs that celebrate identity and embrace a God of expansive love. The book not only offers a path to reclaim one’s faith from fear-based doctrines but also illustrates how reimagined theologies can be life-saving and lead to a deeper understanding of divine love.

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