Remembering Pulse: June 12, 2016

Eight years ago today, Omar Mateen walked into Pulse, a popular 2SLGBTQIA+ nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and opened fire, committing one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. On that day, 49 lives were tragically ended, 53 others were injured, and many more scarred for life by the experience of that brutal attack. This horrific event not only devastated the victims and their families but also sent shockwaves through the 2SLGBTQIA+ community worldwide.

While I was already out as bisexual and held affirming beliefs, I had kept quiet about those beliefs for fear of losing my job in a Christian ministry that was decidedly unaffirming. Yet, when this tragedy was followed by countless Christians justifying this evil as though it were somehow a divine judgment for the “sin of homosexuality”, I know that I could no longer be quiet.

That day marked the turning point in my ministry and my life. I immediately made a very clear and public statement that not only declared our unwaveringly affirming beliefs about 2SLGBTQIA+ people, but also named the toxic and ungodly ignorance and hate that fueled so many Christians. We could remain quiet no more.

Today, eight years after that turning point, I look back at the impact of that decision: we did, indeed, lose our jobs; we lost most of our friends; we received threats; we were the victims of vandalism and public verbal attacks. The first few years were among the hardest in my life.

However, I still had my life, unlike those 49 victims, and knowing that made the losses worth it for the gains we would go on to work for. As painful as those years were, I do not regret them because they brought us here. Never has our ministry been more free to truly stand in love and solidarity with others. And I can live fully and proudly as the man God made me to be- bisexuality included!

It dawned on me today that this website- The Rainbow Well– would not exist if not for that tragic day. And while I would give it all up for those people to still be alive and well, I can only hope and dedicate myself to making a world that is safer and more loving. I can only hope that my life and work is a tribute and an honouring legacy to those lost on that day, and to all the countless others who have also needlessly suffered and died.

So as we grieve their deaths, we must also all dedicated ourselves to creating hope and change for others.


Remember, this Pride month The Rainbow Well needs you! We are looking 40 people willing to commit to $25 a month for one year! That’s less than a dollar a day to put life-saving resources into people’ hands. Click here for details!

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