A Parent’s Guide To Advocating For Their LGBTQ+ Students

A Parent’s Guide To Advocating For Their LGBTQ+ Students
by Liz Dyer
Real Mama Bears, 2022, 92 pages

At A Glance: “A Parent’s Guide to Advocating for their LGBTQ+ Students” empowers parents with five key strategies to create safer, more inclusive school environments for their 2SLGBTQIA+ children.

“A Parent’s Guide to Advocating for their LGBTQ+ Students” equips parents with practical tools to advocate for the safety and well-being of their 2SLGBTQIA+ children in schools.

As a companion to the Mama Bear Safer Schools program, the guide outlines five essential strategies for creating a safer school environment, empowering parents to take active roles in protecting and supporting their 2SLGBTQIA+ students.

This book offers an accessible and actionable resource for parents looking to ensure their child’s school experience is both inclusive and affirming.

Also by this author:

“Mama Bears Glossary Of LGBTQ+ Terms”

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