Bisexuality Awareness Week: Sept. 16-23, 2024

This week, September 16th to 23rd, we celebrate Bisexual Awareness Week, a dedicated time to uplift and highlight the experiences, challenges, and contributions of the bisexual+ community. This week is not just an opportunity for those who identify as bisexual+ to celebrate who they are, but also for those committed to allyship to learn how to better support their bi+ friends, family, and even strangers.

Why Bisexual Awareness Week Is Important

Bisexual+ people make up the largest portion of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, yet they often face unique forms of marginalization, often even within queer spaces. Biphobia, bisexual erasure, and the pressure to conform to binary ideas of attraction contribute to measurable harmful impacts of the bi+ community. Bisexual Awareness Week gives us a chance to work to correct these problematic trends.

Central to that work is better understanding what bisexuality is and is not. As bisexual activist (and all around amazing human), Robyn Ochs defines it:

“I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge in myself the potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually – to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, or to the same degree.”

In other words, being bisexual+ means recognizing the potential to be attracted to more than one gender, whether that attraction is all or some combination of emotional, romantic, and/or physical attraction. It is NOT defined by past relationships or equal attraction to all genders—it’s about how someone identifies and experiences their attraction. And those experience often shift and change over time. Bisexuality+ is a complex and beautiful umbrella of identities and experiences.

Why Visibility Matters

Despite the growing recognition of bisexuality, bi+ individuals often face higher rates of mental health challenges, economic disparities, and social isolation compared to their lesbian and gay counterparts. That is why it is important to raise visibility and challenge misconceptions, creating a more inclusive, supportive, and just environment.

By sharing stories, experiences, and resources, we can ensure that bisexual+ individuals feel seen, validated, and celebrated for who they are—not only during this week but every day.

Whether you’re bisexual, questioning, or committed to bi+ allyship, Bisexual Awareness Week is an opportunity to engage, listen, and learn. Below, you’ll find some helpful resources to continue your education and support.

Resources to Learn More:

“Am I Besexual?” – An introduction to bisexuality+ & resources for those who are (or may be) bisexual+.

“Do Bisexuals Have Access To Straight Privilege?” – A critically important essay debunking a harmful myth about bisexuality+ and privilege.

Bisexual Resource Center

Human Rights Campaign – Bi+ Resources

Bi Women Quarterly

Robyn Ochs – Official website

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Interview by Jamie Arpin-Ricci (he/him), founder of The Rainbow Well
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