Beyond a Binary God

Beyond a Binary God: A Theology for Trans* Allies
by Tara K. Soughers
Church Publishing, 2018, 128 pages

At A Glance: “Beyond A Binary God” offers a theological exploration from the perspective of a trans ally, emphasizing the importance of recognizing God’s boundlessness beyond the gender binary.

In “Beyond A Binary God: A Theology for Trans* Allies,” Tara K. Soughers invites readers to explore a theology that transcends traditional gender binaries. By embracing the idea that all people are created in the image of God, Soughers argues that trans and non-binary identities are vital reflections of the divine, challenging the rigid gender constructs often imposed by society.

Through her unique perspective as a trans ally, parent of a trans young adult, and priest, she delves into the implications of a God who defies categorization and how this understanding can lead to a more inclusive and affirming church.

The book examines how the permeability of gender boundaries can inform our theology and reshape the way Christians view both human identity and God’s transcendent nature.

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