A Book of Prayer

“A Book of Prayer: For Gay and Lesbian Christians”
William Storey
Crossroad Publishing, 2002, 240 Pages

At A Glance: “A Book of Prayer: For Gay and Lesbian Christians” is an inclusive, ecumenical prayer book aimed at uniting gay and lesbian Christians in their spiritual practices across various Christian denominations.

“A Book of Prayer: For Gay and Lesbian Christians” by William Storey is a thoughtfully compiled prayer book specifically designed to meet the spiritual needs of gay and lesbian Christians. This collection encompasses prayers from a wide array of sources, ranging from ancient to modern times. Emphasizing ecumenism, the book transcends denominational divides, drawing on the rich liturgical traditions of Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic communities. It includes a blend of scriptural passages from the New Testament, as well as writings from renowned Christian poets, mystics, theologians, and authors across various eras.

This prayer book serves as a unifying resource, offering a common approach to both communal and private prayer, suitable for a diverse Christian audience. The intent behind this compilation is to provide a versatile prayer book that resonates with and is accessible to Christians from various backgrounds and denominations.

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