Glory To The Gender-Bending God

Glory To The Gender-Bending God: A Devotional About Trans Lives & Experiences
by Student Christian Movement

At A Glance: “Glory to the Gender-Bending God” is a devotional that connects the experiences of trans individuals with biblical themes, affirming their identities and celebrating them as people of faith.

“Glory to the Gender-Bending God” by Student Christian Movement is a devotional that seeks to bridge the experiences of trans individuals with biblical themes, affirming their identities and celebrating them as people of faith. This devotional draws parallels between common experiences of trans people, such as name changes, chosen family, and resistance against institutions, and similar narratives found in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. By doing so, it aims to provide spiritual affirmation and support to trans people, highlighting their integral place within the faith community and the broader biblical narrative.

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