Sex and the Church
“Sex and the Church: Gender, Homosexuality, and the Transformation of Christian Ethics”
Kathy Rudy
Beacon Press, 1998, 176 Pages
At A Glance: “Sex and the Church: Gender, Homosexuality, and the Transformation of Christian Ethics” challenges the Christian right’s view on homosexuality, suggesting its potential to revitalize and transform the contemporary church’s ethics and unity.
Overview: In “Sex and the Church: Gender, Homosexuality, and the Transformation of Christian Ethics,” Kathy Rudy presents a thought-provoking perspective on how homosexual lifestyles could positively influence the modern Christian church. Addressing the Christian right’s criticisms of homosexuality, Rudy argues that such lifestyles have the potential to revitalize a divided and struggling church. She challenges the traditional judgments against homosexuality, deeming them unnecessary and indefensible, and proposes a transformative role for homosexual experiences in reshaping Christian ethics and fostering a more inclusive and unified church community.
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