Sex, Then & Now

“Sex, Then & Now: Sexualities & The Bible”
by William Loader
Westminster Knox Press, 2010, 176 Pages

At A Glance: “Sex, Then and Now: Sexualities and the Bible” explores historical biblical perspectives on sex and marriage, providing insights for contemporary discussions on sexuality.

“Sex, Then and Now: Sexualities and the Bible” by William Loader explores how biblical authors and their contemporaries viewed sex and sexual issues, examining their perspectives on marriage, human nature, and same-gender relations. Loader offers a careful reading of ancient texts within their historical context, revealing whether sex was seen positively or as dangerous, and how these views compare to modern understandings.

By listening to biblical writers alongside other voices of the time, the book provides a basis for contemporary discussions on sexuality, highlighting both continuity and the enriching aspects of human sexuality.

Also By This Author:

“Sexuality in the New Testament: Understanding the Key Texts”

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