Surrendering My Ordination

“Surrendering My Ordination: Standing Up For Gay & Lesbian Inclusivity In The United Methodist Church”
by J. Philip Wogaman
Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, 112 pages

At A Glance: “Surrendering My Ordination” recounts Rev. J. Philip Wogaman’s decision to leave the clergy to protest 2SLGBTQIA+ exclusion and offers a vision for moving the church forward.

In “Surrendering My Ordination: Standing Up for Gay and Lesbian Inclusivity in The United Methodist Church,” Rev. J. Philip Wogaman recounts his decision to surrender his ordination after sixty years of ministry to protest The United Methodist Church’s exclusion of openly gay clergy.

The book delves into the theological, ethical, and pastoral implications of ordination, narrates the process and consequences of his decision, and offers insights on how the church can progress beyond its current polarization on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues.

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