Interfaith Pride Service

Interfaith Pride Service Heads up! This is a reminder that the inaugural Interfaith Pride Service (on Zoom) is tomorrow, Thursday, June 6 - 4pm PT / 7pm ET, presented by the Queer Interfaith Coalition, which The Rainbow Well is proudly a member. Several QIC members will be sharing reflections

Highlighting Important Resources

Highlighting Important Resources In my years as a pastor, one of my favorite places- both online and in person- has been The CommonWord bookstore and website. CommonWord is a collaborative resource hub that serves as a retailer of Christian materials, a congregational resource center, and a university bookstore. They offer

Pride 2024 Goals

Pride 2024 Goals for The Rainbow Well This Pride month, The Rainbow Well is looking to raise $1000 in new monthly donations, and we need your support to make it happen. By becoming a monthly donor, you help us provide vital resources and help us expand all the support

Why Bisexual Erasure Hurts Us All

Why Bisexual Erasure Hurts Us All Why Bisexual Erasure Hurts Us All by Jamie Arpin-Ricci In what has been called “the first queer guide to Christian marriage- “Modern Kinship”- authors David & Constantino Khalaf offered practical and much-needed wisdom for queer Christians. Ranging from dating to a life beyond

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