
Undivided "Undivided: Coming Out, Becoming Whole, and Living Free from Shame" Vicky Beeching HarperOne, 2018, 304 Pages At A Glance: "Undivided" is a powerful memoir of an evangelical Christian musician who, after coming out as gay and facing severe backlash, reinvents her life as an advocate for 2SLGBTQIA+

True Inclusion

True Inclusion “True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace” Brandon Robertson Chalice Press, 2018, 130 Pages At A Glance: "True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace" is an insightful guide for churches to transform from simply welcoming to deeply embracing all individuals, backed by biblical imperatives and practical steps


Trans-Gender "Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians" Austen Hartke Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, 216 Pages At A Glance: "Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians" is an insightful and comprehensive guide that blends biblical scholarship and transgender experiences to foster a deeper,


Trans-Gender "Trans-Gender: Theology, Ministry and Communities of Faith" Justin Sabia-Tanis Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2018, 228 Pages At A Glance: "Trans-Gender" provides insight into the spiritual lives of transgender individuals, offering an inclusive theological framework and practical guidelines for faith communities to embrace and support transgender congregants. Overview:

Talking Across The Divide

Talking Across The Divide "Talking Across the Divide: How to Communicate with People You Disagree with and Maybe Even Change the World" Justin Lee TarcherPerigee, 2018, 265 Pages At A Glance: "Talking Across the Divide" provides an insightful guide on effective communication across ideological divides, blending psychological insights and

She’s My Dad

She's My Dad “She’s My Dad: A Father’s Transition & a Son’s Redemption” Jonathan Williams Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, 216 Pages At A Glance: "She's My Dad" is a moving account of a son’s turbulent journey through his parent's transgender transition, exploring themes of betrayal, acceptance, and the

Scripture, Ethics, And The Possibility Of Same-Sex Relationships

Scripture, Ethics and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships "Scripture, Ethics and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships" Karen Keen Eerdmans, 2018, 160 Pages At A Glance: "Scripture, Ethics and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships" provides a balanced exploration of same-sex relationships in the context of Scripture, tradition, and theology, appealing

Queer Theology

Queer Theology “Queer Theology: Beyond Apologetics” Linn Marie Tonstad Wipf & Stock, 2018, 168 Pages At A Glance: "Queer Theology" offers a pioneering exploration into a more integrated queer theology, delving deep into the intersections of queer identity and Christian thought, especially regarding the body, sex, and death,

Outside The Lines

Outside The Lines “Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith” Mihee Kim-Kort Fortress Press, 2018, 212 Pages At A Glance: "Outside the Lines" is an insightful exploration of how queer identity can deepen one's spiritual life and understanding of God's boundless love, blending personal experiences

Modern Kinship

Modern Kinship “Modern Kinship: A Queer Guide to Christian Marriage” David & Constantino Khalaf Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, 232 Pages At A Glance: "Modern Kinship: A Queer Guide to Christian Marriage" offers practical advice and personal insights for 2SLGBTQia+ Christian couples, tackling the unique challenges they face

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